How to restructure, store and reuse data retrieved from HTTP call using interfaces

IMHO const in JavaScript is less than worthless. Here’s another person’s rant (warning: potentially NSFW language if curse words bother you) on the topic that makes lots of other good points. To join this team, simply open tslint.json and change "prefer-const": true to false.

For format, that’s fine. I don’t understand what option1, option2 are for, and what constitutes a single logical record. I initially assumed that a CustProfile was a useful business object, and it had the attributes in that interface we had been discussing. Now I’m not so sure, and since you say this is “the full set of data”, then maybe this is some sort of Rosetta Stone that is decoding a bunch of numerical values. So I no longer understand really what we are looking at in human-understandable terms, so can only answer the specific queries you ask for, until I understand what the object model is supposed to look like.

in our service

export type VenueOptionMap = { [ k: string ] : string[] };
interface WiredVenueOption { option3: string; option4: string; }
fetchVenueOptions(): Observable<VenueOptionMap> {
  return<WiredVenueOption[]>(url, postbody).pipe(map(wvos => {
    let rv: VenueOptionMap = {};
    for (let wvo of wvos) { 
      if (!rv.hasOwnProperty(wvo.option3)) { 
        rv[wvo.option3] = [wvo.option4]; 
      } else { 
    return rv;

in our page

venueOptions?: VenueOptionMap;
this.service.fetchVenueOptions().subscribe(vom => this.venueOptions = vom);

Now, after that subscription resolves, venueOptions should look like the following, given the dataset you gave me:

  venue: [ 'hall', 'room', 'stadium', 'conference' ],
  location: [ 'city' ],
  capacity: [ 'test' ],
  bookings: [ 'required', 'discuss' ],
  manager: [ 'yes' ]


this.venueOptions.location, which is [ 'city' ]

b.) what are all the ‘option4’ values where ‘option3’ = ‘venue’

this.venueOptions.venue, which is [ 'hall', 'room', 'stadium', 'conference' ]