How to put hidden field for EventID or CalendarID in native calendar cordova ionic in iOS


I am using $cordovaCalendar.modifyEvent to modify the native calendar events from iOS app that is developed using ionic framework and cordova. I am able to do it by checking condition using event title,date and description but i need to check condition by eventID.

I am not finding any way to put hidden field for event id in native calendar, plugin allowing me only (title: $scope.resultedeventname,location: $scope.resultedlocation,notes: $scope.resultedevent_description,startDate: $scope.resultedstart_date,endDate: $scope.resultedend_date,newTitle: events[i].event_name, newLocation: resultedevents.event_location,newNotes: event_description,newStartDate: events[i].start_date,newEndDate: events[i].end_date) these fields.

Because of this some times update of native event may not work properly.

Is there any way to put a hidden field in native calendar using $cordovaCalendar.modifyEvent

thank u