How to prevent pre-loading remote views before authentication?

Hi There!

Thank you for the great framework. Building my first ionic app. My intention is to make the user login first and then switch to tabs state. Thanks a bunch for Sign-in CodePen sample.

The issue is that when the ionic app is loaded, it is attempting to pre-load all the views mentioned in the $stateProvider, including the remote views that need authentication. As expected, the server is returning 401 (Unauthorized) message for such requests. Once the user logs in, things work as expected.

I am familiar with Angular $routeProvider but $stateProvider seems to work differently. What is the best approach to solve this issue?

Here are the states.

            .state('/', {
                url: '/',
                templateUrl: 'LogIn/Index?cache=' + new Date(),
                controller: 'HomeController'
            .state('login', {
                url: '/login',
                templateUrl: 'LogIn/Index?cache=' + new Date(),
                controller: 'HomeController'
            .state('tabs', {
                url: '/tab',
                abstract: true,
                templateUrl: 'templates/tabs.html'
            .state('tabs.home', {
                url: '/home',
                views: {
                    'home-tab': {
                        //templateUrl: 'templates/home.html',
                        templateUrl: 'Home/Index?cache=' + new Date(),
                        controller: 'HomeController'
            .state('', {
                url: '/study',
                views: {
                    'study-tab': {
                        templateUrl: 'Study/Index?cache=' + new Date(),
                        controller: 'StudyMobileController',
                        resolve: {
                            'bookTitles': ['GlobalData', function (GlobalData) {
                                return GlobalData.getBookTitles().then(function (res) {
                            'userBookmarks': ['GlobalData', function (GlobalData) {
                                return GlobalData.getUserBookmarks().then(function (res) {
                                    GlobalData.UserBookmarks =;
                                    return GlobalData.UserBookmarks;
            .state('tabs.bookPage', {
                url: '/bookPage',
                views: {
                    'study-tab': {
                        templateUrl: 'Study/bookPage?' + new Date(),
                        controller: 'BookPageMobileController',
                        resolve: {
                            'bookPageNumbers': ['GlobalData', function (GlobalData) {
                                return GlobalData.getBookPageNumbers(GlobalData.selectedBookId).then(function (res) {

Greatly appreciate your help.