Well, now it doesn’t set this.lastBack
in order to prevent the app from being closed when the back button is being spammed, because of the returns
Edit: Cleaned it up and using this myself now
platform.registerBackButtonAction(() => {
const overlay = this.app._appRoot._overlayPortal.getActive();
const nav = this.app.getActiveNav();
if(overlay && overlay.dismiss) {
} else if(nav.canGoBack()){
} else if(Date.now() - this.lastBack > 500) {
this.lastBack = Date.now();
Edit 2: But yeah, if you want the app to exit when clicking twice, change the > 500
to < 500
, 500
being the duration/delay. Though I personally think the behavior of not closing the app when the back button is being spammed is much better.
Edit 3: If you want to keep both the “don’t close on spam” and “close with 2 taps”, use this
platform.registerBackButtonAction(() => {
const overlay = this.app._appRoot._overlayPortal.getActive();
const nav = this.app.getActiveNav();
const closeDelay = 2000;
const spamDelay = 500;
if(overlay && overlay.dismiss) {
} else if(nav.canGoBack()){
} else if(Date.now() - this.lastBack > spamDelay && !this.allowClose) {
this.allowClose = true;
let toast = this.toastCtrl.create({
message: this.translate.instant("general.close_toast"),
duration: closeDelay,
dismissOnPageChange: true
toast.onDidDismiss(() => {
this.allowClose = false;
} else if(Date.now() - this.lastBack < closeDelay && this.allowClose) {
this.lastBack = Date.now();
Not sure if there’s a neater way of writing that… lol