How to hide tabs only from the app's main screen?

I’ve tried doing it that way, but it does not work:

How to do this using a “show” property?

What do you mean?

You want to have a main screen where there’s no tabs and then push a page with tabs?

In that case, you should begin with a normal page and then push the page where your tabs are.

If you want to make those tabs disappear, there are already topics about this.

The home screen contains buttons and I do not want the tabs to appear on it. I want it to appear on the pages that will be accessed by the buttons.


When I put the homepage as rootpage, the tabs disappear from the other pages

Have you tried what I suggested?

"You want to have a main screen where there’s no tabs and then push a page with tabs?"

The main screen contains icons that navigate to pages with tabs.
I can not hide the tabs just from the main page.

in app.component.ts

  templateUrl: 'app.html'
export class MyApp {
  rootPage = HomePage;
  rootPage1 = TabsPage;

  constructor(platform: Platform) {
platform.ready().then(() => {

So it is not working. The tabs disappears from the main page (what I want), but also disappears from the pages accessed by the main page icons

I’ve got a blog post and sample project that walks through this exact scenario:

I think you’re on the right track with making rootPage the HomePage, you then just need to push the tabs page onto the nav when the user click a link in your home page.

I was testing on one of the home buttons. And by pushing the tab to one of the internal pages, the tab is added on all pages (ie home as well). How will I have a navigation in the home with several buttons how can I do?

I added openTabs () in home.ts. Below the code of home.html

<ion-content padding class="back">
  <ion-grid class="mobile">
    <ion-row wrap responsive-ms>
      <ion-col text-center width-25>
        <button [navPush]="cinemaPage" (click)="openTabs()" class="button button-stable button-clear eag-home-button"><a><img class="button_fundaj" src="assets/img/botao/cinema.png" ></a></button ><h6>cinema</h6>
        <button [navPush]="editoraPage" class="button button-stable button-clear eag-home-button"><a><img class="button_fundaj" src="assets/img/botao/editora.png" ></a></button><h6>editora</h6>
      <ion-col text-center width-25>
        <button [navPush]="museuPage" class="button button-stable button-clear eag-home-button"><a><img class="button_fundaj" src="assets/img/botao/museu.png" ></a></button><h6>museu</h6>
        <button [navPush]="noticiasPage" class="button button-stable button-clear eag-home-button"><a><img class="button_fundaj" src="assets/img/botao/noticias.png" ></a></button><h6>noticias</h6>
      <ion-col text-center width-25>
        <button [navPush]="eventosPage" class="button button-stable button-clear eag-home-button"><a><img class="button_fundaj" src="assets/img/botao/eventos.png" ></a></button><h6>eventos</h6>
        <button [navPush]="multimediaPage" class="button button-stable button-clear eag-home-button"><a><img class="button_fundaj" src="assets/img/botao/multimidia.png" ></a></button><h6>multimídia</h6>
      <ion-col text-center width-25>
        <button [navPush]="villaPage" class="button button-stable button-clear eag-home-button"><a><img class="button_fundaj" src="assets/img/botao/villa.png" ></a></button><h6>villa</h6>
        <button [navPush]="pesquisaPage" class="button button-stable button-clear eag-home-button"><a><img class="button_fundaj" src="assets/img/botao/pesquisa.png" ></a></button><h6>pesquisa </h6>