Hi, I don’t think I am running into a name collision with reserved words in the plunker that I shared above. The expressions used with *ngIf work but only from method calls affecting them and triggered from within from the same page.
You happen to pass the media object via .push( , Media object ), I cannot and don’t want to use .push() behavior for many reasons.
Tabs Select( ) used to switch does not seem to support passing data like .push() does.
I found lots of related topics/requests on this here is one of them
Could you explain what is fundamentally wrong with calling a method for example, .ShowPlayer( Media ) on the page?
Is there a lifecycle of the tabs/pages that I am totally missing?
The methods work and hide the appropriate player(s) when triggered from the page as the plunker demonstrates, but NOT when invoked from another page. How do you explain that?
Breakpointing and stepping seems to execute the lines of the methods from either invocations but no effect on the *ngIf from the external calls so I don’t know if this is an artifact/bug of the debugger fooling me.
I even wrapped all the code with switching tabs and activating the player in the same method of the target page PlayersView.ts like so
SelectTab(index: number) {
this.AMSPlayerShow_ = true;
this.YTPlayerShow_ = true;
var Tabs: Tabs = this.NavController.parent;
The tab select works but the 1st two lines seems to have no effect. Does somehow Angular2 have a cached value of the expressions? My brain hit a wall.