How to create a lottie-animation-view into LoadingController?

Hi, I’m trying to create an <lottie-animation-view> in my component LoadingController.

I’m trying something like this…

  • Constructor to define configurations of lottieConfig.
lottieConfig: any;

constructor(public loadingController: LoadingController) {
    this.lottieConfig = {
      path: 'assets/imgs/servishero_loading.json',
      autoplay: true,
      loop: true
  • Call loader
ionViewDidLoad() {
    this.loader = presentLoading();
  • Prepare loader
presentLoading() {
    let loader = this.loadingController.create({
      spinner: 'hide',
        <div class="custom-spinner-container">
          <lottie-animation-view [options]="lottieConfig" [width]="200" [height]="200"></lottie-animation-view>
    return loader;

I was not successful with this.
All imports/module are OK.

Thank you for attention.

I have the same issue. Did you make it work ?