How to check design change without creating apk?

creating apk for each changes.

To avoid the build processor we are using the responsive as well as device choosen on inspect mode.
why dont you check on the virtual device on chrome.
try choosing multiple device on the chrome,instead of default choose as responsive(oN screenshot you choosen responsive on select,try with diffrent device option provided by chrome).

Hi @anespa
Step 1 : In terminal redirect to your project path and run the below command
ionic serve -p 8080 --livereload --livereload-port=8100 -c

    Step 2 : Run the app in android mobile with IP address (example :
        Step 3: Open the browser and type chrome://inspect/#devices , it open like below img
       Step 4: Click on inspect  as shown in above image
Step 5: Then app will open in the browser.



Dear Swetha,
In first command itself

ionic serve -p 8080 --livereload --livereload-port=8100 -c

i got error as

keep in mind that i am using native plugins…


Native plugins don’t cause errors in ionic serve but they also don’t work in the browser. Your issue might be something else but most apps use many ionic-native plugins and run fine on ionic serve