How to Assign a page for each button in a list?

Hello, I am developing a bible application, I already have all structured, bible books of the new and old testament in different pagins as seen below:

The problem is, as I do to add a page to each button of the bilia, since the contents of each book I have done for pages, each name of the Bible tine a different page but I do not know how to add it until ahota tried to assign A page calling it of the suggestive form and works perfect:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { LibrosantPage } from '../librosant/librosant';
import { NavController, NavParams } from 'ionic-angular';

  selector: 'page-antiguo',
  templateUrl: 'antiguo.html'
export class Antiguo 
    public libros=  LibrosantPage
    constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams) 
    items = [
      '1 Samuel',
      '2 Samuel',
      '1 Reies',
      '2 Reies',
      '1 Cronicas',
      '2 Cronicas',

But it opens all the books of the page, no matter if I press genesis, aexodo, leviticos, simpre opens the page (librosantPage); The question is: how do I add more pages to my itemSelected, this is my Old Testament HTML:

      <button ion-button menuToggle>
      <ion-icon name="menu"></ion-icon>
      <ion-title>Antiguo Testamento</ion-title>

    <ion-item ngFor="let item of items">
        <button ion-item *ngFor="let item of items" (click)="itemSelected()">
            {{ item }}

You need to pass item in itemSelected(item) then in your method so this:

itemSelected(item) {
    this.navCtrl.push(LibrosantPage, { book: item });

After that you need to read the item from navParams in your LibrosantPage. Then load the book reference from your json file.

I hope that helps.

Thanks was very helpful, you can already create a page for each icopno, just had to create a component next to each name of the bible.

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Me podrĂ­as facilitar tu cĂłdigo?
Me llamo mucho la atencion

claro, el cĂłdigo de la imagen es el siguiente.
el primer botĂłn solo abre LibrosantPage, los demĂĄs ItemDetailsPage, usted modifica los componentes para abrir diferentes ventanas.

import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import {  Nav } from 'ionic-angular';
import { LibrosantPage } from '../librosant/librosant';
import { NavController, NavParams } from 'ionic-angular';
import { ItemDetailsPage } from '../item-details/item-details';

  selector: 'page-antiguo',
  templateUrl: 'antiguo.html'
export class Antiguo 
     @ViewChild(Nav) nav: Nav;   
    rootPage: any = LibrosantPage;
    pages: Array<{title: string, component: any}>;
    constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams) 
    items = [
      { title: 'GĂ©nesis', component: LibrosantPage},
      { title: 'Exodo', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'Levitico', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'NĂșmeros', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'Deuteronomio', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'JosĂșe', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'Jueces', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'Rut', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: '1 Samuel', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: '2 Samuel', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: '1 Reies', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: '2 Reies', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: '1 Cronicas', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: '2 Cronicas', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'Esdras', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'NehemĂ­as', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'Ester', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'Job', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'Salmos', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'Proverbios', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'Eclesiastés', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'Cantares', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'IsaĂ­as', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'JeremĂ­as', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'Lamentaciones', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'Ezequiel', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'Daniel', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'Oseas', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'Joel', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'AmĂłs', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'Abdias', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'Jonas', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'Miqueas', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'Nahum', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'Habacuc', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'SofonĂ­as', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'Hageos', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'ZacarĂ­as', component: ItemDetailsPage},
      { title: 'MalaquĂ­as', component: ItemDetailsPage}

Hey guys, english please!

I guess there aren’t going to be any new books added to the Bible any time soon, but I would prefer doing this in data-driven fashion, moving all the names of books and so forth into a separate JSON file. It would certainly help a lot with i18n, for one thing.