How to access value of custom object value in array

I have one array in that array i stored custom object now i want to access value of custom object but i don’t know how?

code that i used

public saveCategoryRecord(table: string, memberlist: Array<{mlist : MemebrListGeSe}>) {

    var sql = 'INSERT INTO ' + table + ' ( '+this.COLUMN_ID +','+ this.COLUMN_MCODE +','+ this.COLUMN_MNAME+','+ this.COLUMN_FIRM_NAME+','+ this.COLUMN_MOBILE+','+ this.COLUMN_COMMISION+','+ this.COLUMN_BALANCE+','+ this.COLUMN_DMR_BALANCE+' ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)';
    try {
    		for (var i = 0; i < memberlist.length; i++) {	
   Here i want access value of object  	--------->, [memberlist[i], memberlist[i]  ]);

You know the field names right? So simply, [memberlist[i].fieldName1, memberlist[i].fieldName2]);

if you’re asking about referring column name constants, use the bracket syntax, [memberlist[i][this.COLUMN_MCODe], memberlist[i].fieldName2][this.COLUMN_MNAME]);