How structure app to have a splash page, login page and main app?

How structure app to have a splash page, login page and main app? That is:

  • splash page when loading
  • after loading go to login page
  • then if login ok go to main page. If session expired or logout go to login page.


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I solved point 1 : using Cordova plugin.
I solved point 2 : the first view is login view ( login state )
I solved point 3 in part. If login ok I’ll go to sidemenù area. Now, I need to solve session/token problem.

What backend are you using? I used jwt-simple for tokens in node.js

You may be able to do something similar to what I did. Have a look at the article I wrote at:


As backend I use a .NET CMS to update data info + Web API to build json services to exchange data with app.

How use node.js as backend?