I am using Ionic 2 CLI with Angular 2 Framework which means I am not using Ionic 2 framework.
While I do " ionic serve ", Ionic CLI copies the ’ node_modules/ionic-angular/polyfills/polyfill.js ’ into ’ build/polyfills.js '.
Since I am not using ionic framework, I don’t want to use ionic-angular polyfills.js
Does anyone knows how to use Angular 2 Frameworks polyfills.js with Ionic 2 CLI?
I don’t how to compile Angular 2 framework’s polyfills.ts into polyfills.js PROPERLY.
And I am not sure it will work well with Ionic CLI.
Or does anyone know what are inside ionic-angular/polyfills/polyfills.js? What are the polyfills list? so I can know if it’s safe to use ionic-angular polyfills.js with Angular 2 framework.
I saw polyfills.ns.js and I wonder what is it.
Please, help.