How do I access a provider through a local notification event?

I’m trying to make a local notification trigger a random message every time there is a notification.

I’m doing an event handling of the plugin itself, but the problem is:

How should I access the Provider, who provides data to notify, through the event logged by the notifications plugin?


    import { MessagesProvider } from './../../providers/messages/messages';
    import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    import { LocalNotifications } from '@ionic-native/local-notifications';
    import { AlertController, IonicPage, NavController, Platform } from 'ionic-angular';
    import * as moment from 'moment';
      selector: 'page-home',
      templateUrl: 'home.html'
    export class HomePage {
      notificationTime: string;
      timeNotify: Date;
      message: any;
      notification: any;
        public navCtrl: NavController,
        public alertCtrl: AlertController,
        public platform: Platform,
        public localNotifications: LocalNotifications,
        public messagesProvider: MessagesProvider
      ) {
        this.notificationTime = moment(new Date()).format("HH:mm:ss");
        this.timeNotify = new Date();
      public onPageDidEnter() {
        this.messagesProvider.getMessage().subscribe(data => {
          this.message = data;
      timeChange(time) {
        this.timeNotify = new Date();
        this.timeNotify.setHours(time.hour, time.minute, 0);
      onEnable() {
        let self = this;
        this.messagesProvider.getMessage().subscribe(data => {
          let notification = {
            id: 99,
            title: '1',
            message: '1',
            every: 'minute'
          this.localNotifications.on("trigger", function(localNotifications, state){
              self.messagesProvider.getMessage().subscribe(data => {
                let notification = {
                  id: 99,
                  title: localNotifications.title +1,
                  message: localNotifications.text +1,
                  every: 'minute'
                let notificationUpdate = new LocalNotifications();
          let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
              title: 'Notifications set',
              buttons: ['Ok']
      onCancel() {
        return this.localNotifications.cancelAll().then(() => {
          console.log('Notification has been canceled...');
          let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
              title: 'Notifications has been canceled...',
              buttons: ['Ok']


    import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
    import { Http } from '@angular/http';
    import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
    export class MessagesProvider {
      data: any;
      constructor(public http: Http) {
        console.log('Hello MessagesProvider Provider');
        return this.http.get('assets/data/messages.json')
              .map(res => {
                let data = res.json();
                return this.getRandomMessage(data.messages);
        // return new Promise(resolve => {
        //     this.http.get('assets/data/messages.json')
        //     .map(res => res.json())
        //     .subscribe(data => {
        // = this.getRandomMessage(data.messages);
        //         resolve(;
        //     },
        //     err =>{
        //         console.log("Error !!!!" + err.message);
        //     });
        // });
      getRandomMessage(messages) {
        return messages[Math.floor(Math.random() * messages.length)];

Did You resolve this issue I have the same problem. And if You did can You please post Your code here or send me in a message?