How can i bind a attribute to dom node?


<ion-icon primary name='home'></ion-icon>
constructor (){
    this.colorStyle = "success";

I want bind this.colorStyle to ion-icon’s primary attribute…

AFAIK you can’t do this, because primary is not a real attribute of the ion-icon component.

If you want to change the color of an ion-icon you can do it like this:

  template: `
  <!-- ... -->
  <ion-icon name="checkbox" [style.color]="colorStyle"></ion-icon>
  <!-- ... -->
export class HomePage {
  colorStyle: string;
  constructor() {
    this.colorStyle = "green";

Alternatively you could create a class and apply it conditionally:

  template: `
  <!-- ... -->
  <ion-icon name="checkbox" [class.success]="isSuccess"></ion-icon>
  <!-- ... -->
export class HomePage {
  isSuccess: boolean;
  constructor() {
    this.isSuccess = true;