Horizontal sliding scroll effect is not working in ion-scroll container using ionic 3.9.2 version

I am new to IONIC world. Currently I’m migrating a web application from ioinc1.7.16+angularjs+javascript to latest versions i.e., ionic 3.10.0+angular5+typescript. I am using windows 8.1 OS. I am using Node v8.9.1, npm v5.5.1, ionic 3.20.0, cordova 8.0.0.

In my existing application ion-scroll works fine. I mean horizontal scroll bar is not visible but able to click and drag or slide left/right a container smoothly using my mouse. My scroll container simply contains a list of images only.

Issue: But this same horizontal scroll click and drag or slide left/right is not working in my migrated web application which uses ionic 3.20.0

I’m breaking my head to make it work since last week but no luck. Can anyone please help me to fix this issue?

To see my migrated code visit https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50443881/click-and-sliding-effect-is-not-working-in-ion-scroll-container-using-ionic-3-9

I have tried to implement few pieces of stuff from Horizontal avatars scroll inside a list but it didn’t help me :frowning:

Please help me to fix this issue or let me know if any other way to achieve this in Ionic3.

I’m breaking my head since last week to fix this.