Hide tabbar when ion-menu is shown

Hi all,

i have an ionic app that loads a “MenuPage” after Login. The “MenuPage” holds my with and sets the rootPage to my “TabPage”. Works good on all devices.

Now i want to hide the tabbar if the split-pane is shown (like on iPad or in Browser).

I am trying this with (ionChange) and firing an event to my “TabPage”. This works when i resize the app but not on inital startup. I think on initial startup the TabBar could not be found so it could not be hide? How can i solve my problem?

Her is some code:


<ion-split-pane (ionChange)="onSplitPaneChange($event)">


onSplitPaneChange(e) {
    if (e._visible) {
        this.events.publish('hide-tabbar', true);
    } else {
        this.events.publish('hide-tabbar', false);


events.subscribe('hide-tabbar', (hide) => {
      console.log("hide-tabbar event");
      if (hide) {
      } else {