Hide Navbar and Tabbar when moving to a non tab page

First I start off with a slider view:

<img src=“//cdck-file-uploads-global.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ionicframework/original/3X/0/4/04fe1123118cd6a81fea57e9fc7f7146c4cbe40a.png” width=“281” height=“500”

After log in I am on TabPage, where I can log out again to get back to the slider view

How can I prevent from showing the Navbar and Tabbar?

My logout function looks like the following:

logout(): void {

Don’t know about navbar but to hide the tabbar I found this solution at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34963381/how-to-hide-nav-bar-with-tabs-in-ionic-2


I tested it in 2.0.0-rc.2 and works for me.