Hello there,
I am building an app whose central feature is a chat.
Within this chat you cen send text, images and videos.
The normal way is, to store the media files somewhere on the file system. But my app has a higher need for privacy so i want to prevent the media files from beeing easy accessible outside of the app.
My only way right now is, to store the files as an base64 string within a pouchdb. But storing files in a database is not the best way i guess…
Do you guys have some different and better approach for me?
The messages/files of the chat will delete themselves after x hours.
Until this point, the files should be stored locally on the device,
And i want to prevent the users to be able to access the files via file managers,etc, so that they dont make copies of them to bypass the auto delete.
I know, an advanced user could bypass mostly any security measures, but my targets are the “common” users
Generally speaking, files created by your app are only readable by your app. I can’t think of anything you could do that would prevent a common user from doing what an advanced user could do.