HELP - Unstable JSON content/list load

I really need some help, so i hope there is somebody is nice and good enough to point me in the right direction.

Please take a look at this short video, you will see:

  1. That i tap the second menu icon 3 times and nothing shows.
  2. Then i tap the third menu icon and that form shows.
  3. Then i tap the second menu icon again, and then it does load.

Does anyone know why this is working like this, and what the solution could be?

Thank you in advanced, i’ll be forever grateful!

Kind regards,
Fabian Krieger.

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Could it be that you don’t resolve your $http promise before entering the view?


I’m the developer of the application, I just do a normal HTTP GET request to a .json data set that’s in our www directory.

Here’s a code snippet:

OK but it’s also important to know where you call it.
As you use $scope in then() I suppose you call it from a controller, I would try to call it in the resolve property of your state to make sure $http promise get resolved before entering the state.

Otherwise, you could try to call it on beforeEnter event in your controller.

$scope.$on('$ionicView.beforeEnter', function(){
  // $http.get
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Thank you for your reply! When we find the time to work on this project again, we will try this out and let you know if it worked for us.