Has anyone successfully implemented deeplinking with tabs?

Thats pretty simple actually the best would be if you work with enums for your tabs and with id for your grid.

In your Tabs.ts

import { NavParams } from 'ionic-angular';

export class TabsPage {
   _tabselection: number;
   _tab1Root = Page1;
   _tab2Root = Page2;
   _tab3Root = Page3;

//add a viewchild
  @ViewChild('yourTabs') tabRef: Tabs;
//add this into your constructor
constructor(private navParams: NavParams){

//initialize your your roottab
  this._tabselection = navParams.get('tab') || 0;
  ionViewDidEnter() {
//now we are creating the enums
export enum TabsEnum {
  PAGE1 = 0,
  PAGE2 = 1,
  PAGE3 = 2

In your Tabs.html
Add these lines to your tabs.

<ion-tabs #yourTabs>
<ion-tab [root]="_tab1Root"> //don't forget the other pages...

Now lets get to the fun part we are going to switch pages by a buttonpress!

In your page1.ts

Import your TabsPage and your TabsEnum

import { TabsPage, TabsEnum } from '../your/Path';

myParam: string = 'yourGridid';

  //this will select your PAGE2 TAB!
  //this will push to the PAGE2 with the selected Parameter
  this.navCtrl.push(PAGE2 { 'myParam': this.myParam });

What I would do here later on, create an if and else so if you don’t push from parameter so that it wont load.

  myParam: string;
  this.myParam = params.get('myParam');
  //this will scroll to your grid's id (add the if and else here)

  let yOffset = myParam.offsetTop;
  this.content.scrollTo(0, yOffset, 2000);

//I think you can also do this here but initializing it would be more efficient.
ionViewDidLoad(element: string){
  //your code here

Note: You can bring this futher by adding certain values to your parameter story to make it more efficient.

Thats it!
I hope it works out. :blush::rabbit2:

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