Google Maps integration

Thanks for the heads up and research @catatonicrelaps but I already read that a couple of weeks ago and then switched to the (uglier) Open Street Maps tiles. The only thing that remains is retina map tiles. But that’s for a future app update.

That’s good. I rather say something than watch the Google Guard come down on someone. I did something similar in the past and had to face the music - it wasn’t pretty. For anyone that finds this thread wanting offline maps check out as well as

Has anyone implemented DirectionsService inside of google-maps? Or do you have to use leaflet to get this done?

this will build your app for you with a predefined google maps template. It works like the tabs, sidemenu and blank:

This drove me crazy, and I looked at it a couple times. Literally adding “()” on the initialize fixed it.

google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize());

Is correct. And it ran without a problem for me. One hour on this… wasted.