We’re a web dev agency and we’ve been building many custom, complex websites and web apps over the years. We’ve primarily been using PHP MVC frameworks such as Code Igniter, Laravel, Symphony, etc…
We’ve been toying with the idea of moving over to the MEAN stack (we’ve done one or two projects in this tech) and also we’ve been considering going into the mobile app development space with IONIC being the framework of choice.
I’m not too technical but I am keen to understand the difficulty or ease with which I can get my team to up to speed to start building commercial mobile apps in the future. They are a competent bunch and we’ve done lots of custom stuff before.
How long would a transition to MEAN and Ionic typically take in terms of months? Would you recommend doing a few demo apps to understand the lifecycle and issues / coding restraints and possible problems, before attempting commercial apps?
If anyone has done a similar transition, I would be keen to hear your feedback in terms of the journey, with recommendations and things to be aware of and avoid.
@mirkonasato I have asked them but they don’t have much experience with this technology, so I am wondering how the roadmap / transition was from developers who were in a similar position and that have made the move, what was their experience, how easy / difficult was it.
Not in the situation you describe, but I’ll share my experience. Recently cofounded a company, I’m the primary app programmer. My previous history is in Java and theory of asynchrony. The things I’ve been stuck on most – and the things that keep coming up as issues in this forum – are almost always misunderstandings about Angular 2, not problems with Ionic. You don’t mention Angular 2 in your OP. I can recommend the FullStackIO book on Angular 2 as something that has helped me a lot. Also important: Rxjs, or other Observable background. If your team doesn’t know how to push instead of pull, it’s going to take a change in understanding to talk with Angular 2 correctly. Ionic is “easy” in comparison.
@AaronSterling Thanks for this we have done some Angular 2 but more learning development, nothing commercial yet. However I appreciate your feedback and recommendations. Your clarification about IONIC being “easy” in comparison to Angular 2 puts things into perspective.
Thank you.
Hey @AngeloZ its not a big deal to start with IONIC or MEAN just follow the official website of these framework. I with my team of 4 did it in just 20 days…
When you say you did it, do you mean completed the training / online material or are you now building commercial mobile apps using this technology stack?