Getting height of onezonedatepicker to display fixed and scrollable content

I am trying to display fixed and scrollable content in a single view.

Fixed content consist of onezone datepicker calender view
and scrollable content consist of list of items.

the things i tried :slight_frown:

  1. tried to put the calender in the header but the list over laps the datepicker

  2. removed the ion content and used ion-scroll with in the ion-view , but for ion-scroll we need to pass the height and width attributes is it good way to pass static values ?

  3. placed the onezone datepicker outside the ion-content but it is overlapping dictionary , so i changed the position to fixed and applied top-padding to it, but as i still doubt is it a good way to add static variables ?
    so i am trying to get the height of datepicker dynamically using ng-style and apply it to the ion-content but the clientHeight always returning 0 or 10 (why is that).

How to get the height of one zone date picker dynamically and apply it to the ion-content so i will get fixed and scrollable content in single view?
is there any other way to get fixed and scrollable content in a single view in ionic v1 ?