General Question about Observable, SQLlite, DatabaseReady in Ionic

Hi everyone ,

I am working with the plugin sqlite-porter (cordova) and SQLlite to have a prepopulated DB when we are Logged on the application. I am not “relax” with Observable, so I wanted to know what do you think about this kind of implementation, if It seems good or not, and take advice anyway.

Here is my scenario :

Login Page (if not logged) => Homepage (Launch prepopulated script for db and list Item of DB).

I have so a DBProvider, with a BehaviorSubject to subscribe to Database State :

constructor(private sqlitePorter : SQLitePorter,private sqlite: SQLite, private http : HttpClient,private platform: Platform) {
    this.databaseReady = new BehaviorSubject(false);
    this.platform.ready().then(() => {
        name: 'test.db',
        location: 'default'
        .then((db: SQLiteObject) => {
          this.database = db;
			// TODO => set db filled in storage to no filled it again

        .catch(e => console.error(e));



    this.http.get('assets/datas/nav.json').subscribe(json =>
      this.sqlitePorter.importJsonToDb(this.database, json)
          .then(data => {
          .catch(e => console.error(e));
  getDatabaseState() : Observable<{}> {
   return this.databaseReady.asObservable();

And in A component like Home, I do :

private homeSubscriptions: Subscription;

  constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams,private dbProvider : DatabaseProvider) {
  public ngOnInit(): void
    this.homeSubscriptions = this.dbProvider.getDatabaseState().subscribe(rdy => {
      if (rdy)
  public ngOnDestroy(): void
    if (this.homeSubscriptions) {
        console.log("unsubscribe in home");

Thanks in advance for any advice, look to this code… :slight_smile: