FCM push notification App Icon

Hello Friends,

I done an FCM message using ionic push notification, when i init notification where app is closed state , the app icon should’t be displayed, i tried to set in android push notification options and java file. but i can’t able to get it …kindly help me,

// this is ts file config,which i try
var options = {
android: {
sound: true,

        ios: {
            alert: 'true',
            badge: true,
            sound: 'false'
        windows: {},
        browser: {
            pushServiceURL: 'http://push.api.phonegap.com/v1/push'
    var pushObject = this.push.init(options);

//this is which i try in java file

JSONObject infoJson = new JSONObject();
		infoJson.put("body", message);
		infoJson.put("sound", "default");
		infoJson.put("images", "appicon");
		JSONObject addData = new JSONObject();
		addData.put("userName", "Raju");
		addData.put("userId", "1995");
		JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
		json.put("to", tokenId.trim());
		json.put("notification", infoJson);
		json.put("data", addData);