Facebook login + Parse

Currently there is no support for handling the facebook login by Parse via the InAppBrowser i guess.

I just debugged a bit and saw that the origin url in the request (which is handled by the Parse SDK / FB SDK) is something like file://{HASH} (example: file://f3b7695e8) which is correct because the origin of the request is a local embedded file from cordova. You can’t add a file:// path to your facebook app, so there is no way to get around it.

Here is the alternative you can go with:

Use the OpenFB library by Christophe Coenraets to handle the facebook login by your own. His library builds up the facebook login url itself. This enables you to add a callbackUrl to your app settings.

This way you can signup your users with facebook data through the Parse.User.signUp method and enforce them to set a password.



@darrenahunter Do you have any idea of getting the parse-angular-demo on phonegap / cordova working ?

Can anybody confirm the same behaviors ?

Further reading

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