Facebook login Cordova Plugin or native js api?

I am using the facebook cordova plugin with this angular-facebook wrapper:

The only thing you have to add in agnular-facebook.js
var settings = {localSDK:‘lib/js/facebook/facebook-js-sdk.js’};
So it leads to the local edited SDK and then you have a nice Facebook Provider!

problem of using sociogram, you will not be able to fully logout from facebook. any other alternative that will not cause problem

Refused to display ‘https://www.facebook.com/home.php’ in a frame because it set ‘X-Frame-Options’ to ‘DENY’.

I try use this module, but for me it didn’t work. Could you write to me how to use that? in console only what I see is Uncaught object

Hey guys, let’s put higher priority to the ngCordova facebook integration. Add +1 at https://github.com/driftyco/ng-cordova/issues/102


i am toying with phonegap-facebook-login i could get it working with bare cordova project but not with ionic did any one experience same issue

I would use the facebook javascript api… because it is made for this.

It looks quick and clean…

I got the phonegap-facebook-login working took some effort tho since there are whole bunch of issues
if anyone REALLY needs a toturial i could possibly help you out…


I would love this… have been struggling with this myself.

Oke, could you explain to me what you’re struggling with atm?
maybe post your logs?

here’s my contribution to this question, I have added instagram and twitter (I’ll do fb in the days to come).

You can download the apk and test it.

If this is what you’re looking for you can checkout both the client side code at : https://github.com/malikov/Authenticate.me-client-cordova-ionic

And the server side code at : https://github.com/malikov/Authenticate.me-Node-Server

Best of luck

I get the impression that facebook is very unreliable as an authentication mechanism. Is Twitter/Instagram more stable?

I’m just starting to look at auth - why in your examples do you need the server - is this required for twitter, facebook etc - or is this just for testing?


I added oauth support for many of the major web services to ngCordova:


It will initialize a browser login flow with only one command. In fact, here is a full working example of how to use ngCordova to sign in and use Facebook:

Hopefully this helps.


I was looking for the same answer and have found this app which is made with Ionic and a cordova facebook plugin and offers a native Facebook login and other Facebook options such as share links and photos and send messages to your friends.
You can check it in the following link: http://codecanyon.net/item/ionic-phonegapcordova-facebook-native-integration/10228279?ref=recommended_for_you

Hope it helps!

We are using a very similar approach. Only Facebook is so far rejecting our app in the review" “Your app cannot embed the Facebook Login dialog inside a custom web view. Utilize our native Facebook Login SDK, so that users do not need to login twice.” We’re trying to get to the bottom of what they mean.

Has anyone else gone through the approval process with a no-plugin approach?

  • John