Facebook Capacitor Plugin v. 6.0.0 - changes to iOS SDK, anyone knows about it?

Changes made to the Facebook Login SDK for iOS.

does anybody here have experienced any issue with the ios version?

rolling back to version 5.0.3 fixes everything, the version 6 - iOS doesn’t login

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I’m experiencing an issue where the login is returning ‘undefined’ using the limited.facebook.com URL and @capacitor-community/facebook-login after upgrading to v6 capacitor. I can’t read the screenshots, so I can’t tell if it’s related

you must change the response variables if using limited login

with android they are:

result.accessToken.token, result.accessToken.userId

with ios:

result.authenticationToken.token, result.authenticationToken.userId, result.authenticationToken.email)

There is no result.authenticationToken.token with the response received. result just have .accessToken