EXCEPTION: No provider for UserData! (LoginPage -> UserData)

That was weird. I couldn’t reproduce in the demo environment you provided a link to, so I generated a new project:

ionic start NewMyApp -t tabs --v2 --ts

Then I replaced the newly created app dir with the problematic one from my existing project, ran ionic serve and the error was gone.

Anyway, that actually takes me back to where my problems initially started, and that is when I try to inject a dependency into UserData.

I added a new service, app/providers/some-service.ts:

import {Injectable} from 'angular2/core';

export class SomeService {

	public constructor() {



And added it to UserData by changing app/providers/user-data.ts to:

import {Injectable} from 'angular2/core';
import {SomeService} from './some-service';

export class UserData {

	public constructor(someService: SomeService) {



And I get the following error:

EXCEPTION: No provider for SomeService! (MyApp -> UserData -> SomeService)

Now, I can get rid of the error by importing SomeService in app.ts and adding SomeService to @App’s providers array, but that seems wrong? Why should I need to add a dependency (SomeService) of a dependency (UserData) at @App level?