Error with

I have noticed when starting a blank project, I get this error, but after the process continues normally.

Node version 8.9.3
NPM version 5.5.1
IONIC version 3.20.0

C:\Users\any\Documents\IONICBOOK>ionic start adivina blank
√ Creating directory .\adivina - done!
√ Downloading and extracting blank starter - done!

? Would you like to integrate your new app with Cordova to target native iOS and Android? Yes
√ Personalizing ionic.config.json and package.json - done!

ionic integrations enable cordova --quiet

[ERROR] Error with .\adivina\node_modules\ionic-angular\package.json file: FILE_NOT_FOUND
[ERROR] Error with .\adivina\node_modules@ionic\app-scripts\package.json file: FILE_NOT_FOUND

√ Downloading integration cordova - done!
√ Copying integrations files to project - done!
[OK] Added cordova integration!

Installing dependencies may take several minutes.