Error while using InAppBrowser

Hi, I got an error while trying to implement InAppBrowser plugin. This is the error

This is my .ts file

.html file

Hope someone can help me.

hi @naiesah2

Hope this two plug-in install in your Project

$ ionic plugin add --save cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
$ npm install --save @ionic-native/in-app-browser

In .ts file

import { InAppBrowser } from '@ionic-native/in-app-browser';

export class LeagueTablePage {
    constructor (public  iab: InAppBrowser){
      let browser= new  this.iab.create('','_system','location=true');;      

Hope this will solve your issue.

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Thanks for the response. But I got an error when implementing your code.

Also I’m using ionic 2.2.0. Actually I try another solution,“_system”,“location=true”);

but got an error too because it can detect the cordova object.

Hi @naiesah2

Could you try it

    this.platform.ready().then(() => {, type, 'location=yes');

Hope this will work for you. If you find it helpful then you can mark it as a solution. You can always like the answer by clicking on heart icon.