Error when doing 'ionic run ios'

I hate to do +1 replies, but yeah, me too. It stops consistently at 49% and gives this message:

[ 49%] Copying /<my home path>/Aptcsetpgrp failed: Operation not supported on socket(lldb) error: process launch failed: Locked

I found that typing “quit” at the lldb prompt causes hings to work better. This was after a reboot of my macbook pro as well. Now the only issue is that I have to do a cordova build ios and then deploy using xcode for the first time to get around a device path issue. Then I can just do cordova run ios without issue. Pretty happy to get that working at least. BTW… ionic run ios doesnt work though. Same issue as described above.

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UPDATE: I found that unplugging iPhone usb and reconnecting; solves the device path issue and ionic run ios now works as well.

I had the problem with ionic run ios stopping on lldb prompt as well. I found that there was another lldb process running (do ps -ef | grep lldb), left behind by breaking the previous run command with Ctrl-C. Killing the old process with pkill lldb helped resolve my issue!


Yes. Fixed my problem. Thanks - I’ll keep an eye for this is in the future

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Indeed, killing the process in parallel does the trick.
But…do I have to do this EVERY TIME I want to relaunch the app on my iphone through ionic run ios?
Indeed, running ionic run ios more than once after starting my computer causes the process to hang/freeze at 49%, without killing the first process.

How do you do until now?

Thanks a lot :wink:

This is a major issue for me too. At the minute ionic run ios is unusable and the only way to run on my phone is to use Xcode. I’m amazed that this hasn’t been resolved yet considering it renders ionic CLI useless for actual testing on a phone. A shame as the live reload functionality would be great to have whilst testing live on a device.

Hopefully the Cordova/ios-deploy team will get this resolved soon. Judging by the number of comments on the GitHub issue that @max linked to, we are not alone!

Cordova: 3.6.3-0.2.13
Ionic: 1.2.5
ios-deploy: 1.1.0
Xcode: 6.0.1 (6A317)

It is usable for me (despite the need to kill the process as evoked above).
Check out my post here:

Upgrading ios-deploy to 1.2.0 fixed my cordova run ios issue but not ionic run ios

ios-deploy GitHub issue

I think this ionic GitHib issue still maybe a problem even though it’s closed:

ionic run ios still does not work. It now snaps out of the build at 27% and goes back to the command prompt.

Running it with live reload ionic run ios -l the build hangs at 27%. I can then issue ionic live reload commands. When I issue “q”, ionic live reload quits as expected but leaves the lldb process hanging there.

Live reload is working great with the sim.

Anyone else still experiencing this even though cordova run ios is ok?

Running Ionic 1.2.7

I had the same issue, but this fixed it for me:

sudo npm uninstall -g cordova ionic ios-sim ios-deploy
sudo npm install -g cordova ionic ios-sim ios-deploy

This worked for me also!!! Thanks!

Fixed it for me too, thanks!