Error saving User on Ionic Platform Beta


Everytime I try to save an user with:;

I get this error:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 422 (UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY) (
Ionic User: Object {response: XMLHttpRequest, error: Error}

Prior to this I’m executing Ionic.Auth.signup and Ionic.Auth.login and I can see the new user is populated on{app_code}/users/list

I also call to user.isAuthenticated() and this is returning true …

Why can’t I call Do I need to perform any more authentation step or call saver() in a different way?



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Analyzing the error this is shown:

"Field may not be null"

But I can’t figure which field is null is this request …

Down someone know how to perform a User save action on Platform Beta?

Probably a little late for a reply here,
but just in case someone is looking for an answer.

When setting a user, Ionic is looking for an email address and password:

var details = { 'email': '$', 'password': $ } Ionic.Auth.signup(details).then( function(user){ user.migrate();; // save the user to persist the migration changes console.log('success'); }, function(user){ console(user + 'not added to ionic') } );

This will register the user

I tried this and still not able to save the user.