Dual screen to show data differently - IONIC v4

Respected Ionic community,

I’ve a dual screen Android device(point of sale) Monitor which have two screens and show data separately using Android native app. I want to create my own ionic app to handle both screens. Can anyone help me out in this matter !? I tried to find plugins but unable to find one.

Thank you

What about a design that involves two apps - one for each screen?

yes Indeed, Each screen should have it’s own design. For example from my side screen there should be some buttons which I press and functionality will perform on the other screen.

My question is around having one app which can control two monitors(if that’s possible in real scenario).
If you want to involve two apps then how can we run two apps on both of the monitors of single system !?

It’s less that I want to than that my reading of this document suggests that’s the most promising route to look at.

@rapropos @ayubIonicpro hi all
I also want to know more about that, by the way, my pos (android) which have a “dual Screen Developer Documentation” (https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Presentation)

but I don’t know how to use it on ionic

Hi ,
i have also facing this problem , is there a solution for this?

Any news on this?

I’m looking for a dual-screen solution for Android + ios