DeepLinks? More like ShallowLinks! (Or is it?)

Ironically, I don’t see how to use deep links with DeepLinks. All the demos only go down one level. I’m trying to do two levels, but I can’t put the :id parameter in the history. Here’s a bit of my DeepLinks config:

    {component: CollectionsOverviewPage, name: PAGE_TITLE, segment: "collections"},
        component: EditCollectionPage,
        name: PAGE_TITLE,
        segment: "collections/:id",
        defaultHistory: [CollectionsOverviewPage]
        component: EditFormationsPage,
        name: PAGE_TITLE,
        segment: "collections/:id/formations",
        defaultHistory: [CollectionsOverviewPage, EditCollectionPage]

If I’m developing in EditFormationsPage, upon change the browser refreshes and is fine… until I press the nav back button, and it goes to the path “collections/:id”; it doesn’t know how to fill in the :id value.

Should the feature be renamed to ShallowLinks, or is there a way to make this work?