Custom input style wont work on touchscroll simulator ios

Hi first of all i attach a video link cause its not so easy for me to explain the problem i got.

Then, i use the default ionic css togheter with my own css custom rules, i have a simple form like this

    <ion-view data-title="Submit Shop" ng-controller="Submit">
<div class="separator50"></div>
	<input class="row input-huge text-center light" ng-model="" type="text" placeholder="Shop Name">
<div class="separator50"></div>
	<input class="row input-huge text-center light" ng-model="" type="text" placeholder="City">
<div class="separator50"></div>
	<input class="row input-huge text-center light" ng-model="newShop.address" type="text" placeholder="Address">

<div class="separator10"></div>
<div class="separator30"></div>

<div class="row">
	<button ng-click="submit()" class="button button-light button-block font-family-1" ng-class="{'disabled':newShop.processing}">
		<span ng-show="!newShop.processing" class="positive"> Submit</span>
		<span ng-show="newShop.processing"><i class="icon ion-refreshing"></i></span>

then the inputs get styled via

  background: none;
  text-align: center;
  font-size: 20px;
  border-bottom:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.08);

It works inputs are styled as i wish, BUT the problem comes when i focus the form input and then (while input is focused) i touchscroll the page on ios simulator the input focused gets blank background like if its resetted to default blank input.

Its hard for me to replicate this issue so i hope its i explained clearly.

This issue happen only on ios simulator (android simulator didn’t tryed) while on desktop browsers it doesnt happens.

Thanks in advice for any clue.