Crosswalk + Facebook Connect

Hi guys! Anyone manage to use both crosswalk AND facebook connect plugin?

Tried and failed to get it working

Yes, I’ve tried but it didn’t work

I has getting a multiple dex error. I deleted the crosswalk android-v13 from the lib folder and the compilation worked correctly

Hmm sounds like an issue with the plugin cordova-android 4.0.
The plugin will need to be updated when cordova-android 4.0 officially comes out

Any news? Having the same problem.

You may want to post here about it, as it is an issue with cordova/facebook-connect plugin

I’m using Crosswalk with Cordova Chrome Apps, and I use the facebook-plugin with ngCordova and I have no issues.

Did you read the manually instalation in the docs?

Added feature for platform android:)

Thanks for your work!

I got the same error on using your “crosswalk” facebook plugin:

Element activity#com.facebook.LoginActivity at AndroidManifest.xml:50:9 duplicated with element declared at AndroidManifest.xml:37:9

Thanks in advance

Remove your prevouis plugin with called by name phonegap facebook plugin.

Hi Machei,

I removed the plugin:
ionic plugin rm com.phonegap.plugins.facebookconnect

Then added your branch:cordova plugin add --variable APP_ID=“8292894XXXXXX” --variable APP_NAME=„test-app“

But I get the same error as before:
Element activity#com.facebook.LoginActivity at AndroidManifest.xml:50:9 duplicated with element declared at AndroidManifest.xml:37:9

at first time u need to clean folder /your_project/plugins/

and next step do it following:

ionic platform rm android
ionic platform add android // it will be installed automically with all plugins .

After updating to Cordova CLI 5.0 and reinstalling every plugin it worked!