Creating multiple nav-views

Hello everyone,
I am new with Ionic and try to create my first app. I want an application with before_login and after_login content and created following teamplates:



The main index.html of the app contains the following structure:

<ion-nav-bar class="bar-stable">
<ion-nav-back-button class="button-clear"></ion-nav-back-button>

  <ion-nav-view animation="slide-left-right"></ion-nav-view>

Every page in before_login has this structure:

The after_login “start.html” has the same structure. The index.html there looks like the main index.html.

My routes look like this:

.state('sview', {
    url: "/main",
    templateUrl: "templates/before_login/index.html"

.state('sview.start', {
    url: "/start",
    templateUrl: "templates/before_login/start.html",
    controller: 'StartCtrl'

.state('sview.register', {
url: "/register",
templateUrl: "templates/before_login/register.html"

.state('', {
url: "/passwort",
templateUrl: "templates/before_login/forgot_pw.html"

.state('logged', {
url: "/logged-in",
templateUrl: "templates/after_login/index.html"

.state('logged.start', {
    url: "/start",
    templateUrl: "templates/after_login/start.html"

With that structure, I have the following problem:

I want to start with ‘after_login’ a new section, means Ionic has to disable the navigation back to the before_login elements and also disable the back_button on the first ‘after_login’ page. It should reset the nav-bar-view of ‘before_login’ and start a new one with ‘after_login’.

With the current structure, Ionic shows the start.html of ‘after_login’ after I’ve pressed the login button and executed $state.go(“logged.start”), but it didn’t disable the back button in the nav-bar. How can I tell Ionic, to start here with a new history?

Also I think, that my structure of the main index.html is wrong. Is it possible, to write only - tags in the main index file and load the dynamically with the index files of the sub folders (to reset the old structure if I open a new section)?