We do most out testing on a Google Pixel. However, when we tested the app on a lower density Android phone and/or iPhone, some of the elements didn’t scale with the screen size.
Is there a way to set an attribute so that buttons, etc scale with different densities?
Here’s the button code we’re using: <button *ngIf="profileCompleteness(profile)==100" class="profile-button" ion-button item-right (click)="goToProfile(profile)" round large outline>
Haha okay. If I was the developer, I wouldn’t temper with the width of buttons and positions. I think they should rethink the structure of their HTML. If the positioning is a problem, I would suggest to make use of the ion-grid to make sure everything is responsive (including the buttons). I think the framework should handle the widths and sizes accordingly to the corresponding item it’s in (so don’t temper with those widths).