Compile release for Android error

I get this message when trying to do a release build for Andriod in Ionic Pro. It has worked fine up until now and I have not changed anything for the keys and app signing credentials.

added 669 packages in 74.57s 
$ npm install --quiet --no-optional success 
Error retrieving app signing credentials. 
Running after script... 
$ run "clean-up" 
Running Stage clean-up for Job: 5278988 
ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1

Can someone help me?

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Try to build on your local machine to get more info about your current state

I get no error when doing a local build. If I can do a debug build on Ionic Pro that should also work to do a release. What is difference?

I’m having the same error. Did you finally solve it? How? Thanks!

I’m also having this same error, can’t figure out what the issue is because it has worked before