Communicating between two components in a page - Ionic Angular components

I suspect @Tommertom is referring to this post, but I’m actually not sure it’s appropriate here (but that’s probably because I still don’t really have a good grip on what the question is in this thread).

So I’ll fall back on some opinionated generalities, which is my stock in trade.

#1: If you aren’t certain why something is there, get rid of it. So absent some compelling reason to the contrary, good-bye <ng-content>. I can’t think of any reason it would be helpful in this situation.

#2: If something can’t stand on its own, and especially if it’s only used in one place, it shouldn’t be an independent component. So, in the final analysis, I’m not yet convinced that these two components should even exist, and if they don’t, perhaps whatever the problem is here will magically go away.

My first instinct would be to just write this as a single reactive form, with parts of the template either washed out to indicate “can’t interact with me at the moment” or selectively removed from the DOM entirely with *ngIf. I’m not seeing much potential value in overengineering this into a bunch of microcomponents.