Choppy and slow In iOS

Hello, I’m getting crazy trying to get the same experience I got on the web running localhost in my devices when I compile any project (even the demo ones)

I’m using react as the framework and despite everything compiles well from my M1 Pro MacBook Pro or from App flow, I got the same result; choppy, slow frame rate animations.

I’m using latest version of capacitor, node, and ionic. Don’t know what else to do.

Here you can see the choppy effect when I simply scroll the page using the demo project or my own project. Even the action sheet look choppy.

I’ve search everywhere but can’t find any solution and I’m starting to be desperate. Any help would be really appreciated.

Also, other strange things are appearing like slow calendar or adding a little border bottom when sliding: Choppy title. Border added when slide. Choppy action sheet. - YouTube

Hello, I forced to use the md style everywhere and in iOS now runs super smooth. Isn’t anyone else facing the same issue with iOS styles?

I was able to reproduce the issue with ionic serve. I have chrome as a default browser. With Safari the same behaviour appears.