Child View/Route that Resolves from Different Service than Parent


I’m having an issue loading a child view/route while resolving a GET from a different service from the parent view/route.

Within the parent view, each ion-item links to /#/tab/categories/{{ category.listing_category_id }}
When clicked the URL populates (for a flash) with the correct category ID, the child’s service successfully receives the category ID, runs the subsequent GET request & returns the data as a promise…that all works as intended. The issue is that the child view/route never loads. All help/guidance is very much appreciated.


angular.module('', [])

.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
	// UI Router
	$stateProvider.state('tab.categories', {
		url: '/categories',
		views: {
			'tab-categories': {
				templateUrl: 'views/tab-categories/tab-categories.html',
				controller: 'CategoriesCtrl'

	// otherwise

.factory('CategoriesService', function($resource) {
	var remoteCategoriesURL = '',

		categoriesService   = $resource(remoteCategoriesURL, {}, {
			getAll: {
				method: 'GET',
				isArray: true

  return categoriesService;

.controller('CategoriesCtrl', function($scope, CategoriesService) {
	$scope.categories = CategoriesService.getAll();


angular.module('', [])

.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
	// UI Router
	$stateProvider.state('tab.category-detail', {
		url: '/categories/:listing_category_id',
		views: {
			'tab-categories': {
				templateUrl: 'views/category-detail/category-detail.html',
				controller: 'categoryDetailCtrl'

		resolve: {
			listings: function($stateParams, CategoryDetailService) {
	  			// bind data to listing
	  			return CategoryDetailService($stateParams.listing_category_id);

.factory('CategoryDetailService', function($resource) {
	var remoteCategoryURL     = '',

		categoryDetailService = $resource(remoteCategoryURL, {categoryID:'@listing_category_id'}, {
			get: {
				method: 'GET',
				isArray: true

		getListingsInCategory = function getListingsInCategory(categoryID) {
			listingsInCategory = categoryDetailService.get({categoryID:categoryID}, function(promise) {
				if(promise.$resolved = true) {
					console.log(promise); // how I know the promise has the correct data
					return promise;

	return getListingsInCategory;

.controller('categoryDetailCtrl', function($scope, listings){
	console.log('listings are : ' + listings);
	$scope.listings = listings;