1 . Create a main controller to take care of your index page and all views within it.
2. Add this function to the controller:
$scope.setNavColor = function(color){
for(var i =0; i < document.getElementsByTagName("ion-header-bar").length; i++){
classNames = document.getElementsByTagName("ion-header-bar")[i].className;
classNames = classNames.replace(/(bar-light|bar-stable|bar-positive|bar-calm|bar-balanced|bar-energized|bar-assertive|bar-royal|bar-dark)/g, color );
document.getElementsByTagName("ion-header-bar")[i].className = classNames;
3 . add on-select to your ion-tab tab so it will call the function whenever your tab is chosen: <ion-tab href="#addr" on-select="setNavColor('PUT_YOUR_COLOR_HERE')> </ion-tab>
4 . add on-deselect to you ion-tab too if you want the color to go back to some value when you leave.
For me it works to set ng-class on ion-nav-bar. I don’t use root scope but instead a variable on the controller scope on the menu/tab controller. Using root scope should work too though I think, but I haven’t tried it.