Changing Apprate plugin button position

Hi, i am using the cordova Apprate plugins to allow users of my android app to rate it.
But i find it buttons position not good enough to drive more users to rate the app.

I would like to put the rate now button at the middle instead of the end where it is currently positioned. If someone have ever made this please share your tip.

Thanks in advance.

Have you seen this plugin?

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thanks @mhartington, i ended up modifying the AppRate.js to edit the rate now button position.


showDialog = function(immediately) {
  var localeObj, _base;
  if (counter.countdown === AppRate.preferences.usesUntilPrompt || immediately) {
    if (!AppRate.preferences.useCustomRateDialog) {
      localeObj = AppRate.preferences.customLocale || Locales.getLocale(AppRate.preferences.useLanguage, AppRate.preferences.displayAppName);
      navigator.notification.confirm(localeObj.message, promptForRatingWindowButtonClickHandler, localeObj.title, [localeObj.cancelButtonLabel, localeObj.laterButtonLabel, localeObj.rateButtonLabel]);
    if (typeof (_base = AppRate.preferences.callbacks).onRateDialogShow === "function") {
  return AppRate;

mofying below line (cordova dialog confirm method)

navigator.notification.confirm(localeObj.message, promptForRatingWindowButtonClickHandler, localeObj.title, [localeObj.rateButtonLabel, localeObj.laterButtonLabel, localeObj.cancelButtonLabel]);

I also edited the button click handler (promptForRatingWindowButtonClickHandler) method to match new button positions. I simply moved the AppRate.navigateToAppStore(); to the new index match case of the switch assessment.
