Change links of the sidemenu depending of a localstorage variable

I have the same problem days ago, i find the solution doing this:

in your app.component.ts:
this help you when the user is already login

initializeApp() {
    this.platform.ready().then(() => {
      // Here we will check if the user is already logged in
      // because we don't want to ask users to log in each time they open the app
      let env = this;
      .then( function (data) {
        // user is previously logged and we have his data
        // we will let him access the app
        env.emailUser =;
        env.tipo = data.tipo;
        if(data.tipo = "1"){
          env.pages = [
            { title: 'Home', component: HomePage },
            { title: 'Alta de Clientes', component: AltaclientesPage},
            { title: 'Noticias Pagina Principal', component: NoticiasprincipalPage},
            { title: 'Mensajeria', component: MensajeriaPage},
            { title: 'Guardaropa', component: GuardaropaPage},
            { title: 'Chat', component: ChatPage},
            { title: 'Manual de Cliente', component: ManualclientePage},
            { title: 'Logout', component: LoginPage}
          env.pages = [
            { title: 'Home', component: HomePage },
            { title: 'Guardaropa', component: GuardaropaPage},
            { title: 'Chat', component: ChatPage},
            { title: 'Manual de Cliente', component: ManualclientePage},
            { title: 'Logout', component: LoginPage}
      }, function (error) {
        //we don't have the user data so we will ask him to log in
        env.emailUser = "email"

when the user is new, and the first time logged:
in app.component.ts:

    console.log("menu abierto");
    this.platform.ready().then(() => {
      let env = this;
      .then( function (data) {
        env.emailUser =;
        env.tipo = data.tipo;
        if(data.tipo = "1"){
          env.pages = [
            { title: 'Home', component: HomePage },
            { title: 'Alta de Clientes', component: AltaclientesPage},
            { title: 'Noticias Pagina Principal', component: NoticiasprincipalPage},
            { title: 'Mensajeria', component: MensajeriaPage},
            { title: 'Guardaropa', component: GuardaropaPage},
            { title: 'Chat', component: ChatPage},
            { title: 'Manual de Cliente', component: ManualclientePage},
            { title: 'Logout', component: LoginPage}
          env.pages = [
            { title: 'Home', component: HomePage },
            { title: 'Guardaropa', component: GuardaropaPage},
            { title: 'Chat', component: ChatPage},
            { title: 'Manual de Cliente', component: ManualclientePage},
            { title: 'Logout', component: LoginPage}
      }, function (error) {
        env.emailUser = "email";
        env.tipo = "1";

in your app.html need add this in you menu:

<ion-menu [content]="content" (ionOpen)="menuOpened()" id="myMenu">

i hope this can help you.