Change font Ionic 2

Half an hour just to change the font looks long for me :joy:
But thanks for your answer !
First, how can I know if Iā€™m using app-script 0.0.48 ? the thing I know is that currently Iā€™m using RC 4.
Then, what do you mean with ā€œmain/primary/first/global scssā€ because I donā€™t find it ^^
So no, I donā€™t no which is my ā€œprimary/main scss filleā€ā€¦
Iā€™m sorry but Iā€™m not an experienced user :joy: I actually have this code in src/app/app.scss :

@font-face {
font-family: ā€˜Josefin Sansā€™;
font-weight: 400;
font-style: normal;
src: url(ā€˜ā€¦/assets/fonts/Josefin-Sans-regular/Josefin-Sans-regular.eotā€™);
src: url(ā€˜ā€¦/assets/fonts/Josefin-Sans-regular/Josefin-Sans-regular.eot?#iefixā€™) format(ā€˜embedded-opentypeā€™),
local(ā€˜Josefin Sansā€™),
url(ā€˜ā€¦/assets/fonts/Josefin-Sans-regular/Josefin-Sans-regular.woff2ā€™) format(ā€˜woff2ā€™),
url(ā€˜ā€¦/assets/fonts/Josefin-Sans-regular/Josefin-Sans-regular.woffā€™) format(ā€˜woffā€™),
url(ā€˜ā€¦/assets/fonts/Josefin-Sans-regular/Josefin-Sans-regular.ttfā€™) format(ā€˜truetypeā€™),
url(ā€˜ā€¦/assets/fonts/Josefin-Sans-regular/Josefin-Sans-regular.svg#JosefinSansā€™) format(ā€˜svgā€™);

and then this in src/theme/variables.scss :

$font-family-md-base: ā€œJosefin Sansā€;
$font-family-ios-base: ā€œJosefin Sansā€;
$font-family-wp-base: ā€œJosefin Sansā€;

But it donā€™t works for meā€¦



Thanks now everything works ! :smiley:

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Hooray, glad to hear you found the solution, congrats!

Maybe could interest someone in the future, could you briefly document what was your solution?

I just forgot to remove what I tried to do before ^^ So your solution is the good one :wink:

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merciiiii :* :* finally i found a solution :smiley:

Thank youā€¦ this worked for me!

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