Capacitor barcode scanner hints not working

The scanner works perfectly only problem is that it doesn’t respect the hints that should limit what we want to scan. We’re having a lot of troubles with people scanning foods and accidentally scanning qr code first resulting in the app not finding the barcode despite having it.

We tried a list of numerical values as explained in documentation. We then even tried using written out types with Html5QrcodeSupportedFormats which is the official format definition capacitor-barcode-scanner/plugin/src/definitions.ts at fa9ed23ff14a2ca75b45286ce884494e6cb07ee4 · ionic-team/capacitor-barcode-scanner · GitHub

It just scans everything no matter the hints. Any suggestions?

Thank you

OK so I went through the code and seems like I grossly miss-understood, the hint can only ever be one of those options? So either 17 (all) or just one of the other? based on this from the java code val hint = call.getInt("hint") … ohh well, damn