Cannot focus input on emulator ios

hey guys… i have problem with All tag on ios emulator. cursor always disappear when i click input form.

<ion-searchbar [(ngModel)]="data.keyword" (ionInput)="searchItem($event)" placeholder="Search" (ionClear)="clearFilter($event)" (ionCancel)="clearFilter($event)" [showCancelButton]="true"></ion-searchbar>

but on real device, works well.

this is my ionic information :
Cordova CLI: 6.4.0
Ionic Framework Version: 2.0.0-rc.4
Ionic CLI Version: 2.1.8
Ionic App Lib Version: 2.1.4
Ionic App Scripts Version: 0.0.47
ios-deploy version: 1.9.0
ios-sim version: 5.0.11
OS: OS X El Capitan
Node Version: v7.1.0
Xcode version: Xcode 7.3 Build version 7D175

sorry for my bad english.

I have the same problem running my app on iOS emulator. Basically I can’t focus or type in any input. It happens only in emulator, on real device it is ok.

If I run Ionic 1 App on emulator, it also works ok, the problem is with Ionic 2.

Has anybody found any solutions for this problem yet?
Still not able to focus/write in an input.

Found a solution in this thread Inputs lose focus in iOS simulator
Solution is to toggle software keyboard (Command + k)


I was having the same issue and fixed with the help of:


Both solutions work, thanks guys!

Hi, I have a similar problem during testing the APP using DEVAPP.
I coun’t found anything but this issue :
Is there any way to fix it in my app?