Can´t extract information

Hello guys, I need your help

First off all i´m creating a WeatherApp but i´ve geting into some issues.
I am using yahoo weather api, i can extract some information from the json file, but when i try to extract the tag forecast i have issues. can you help me?

//this how i extract the informations and its sucessful
obj.wheather = function(city) {
var api = "";
var query = "select * from weather.forecast where woeid in (select woeid from geo.places(1) where text='" + city + "')";
var params = "&format=json&";
var cb = "&callback=JSON_CALLBACK";
return $http.jsonp(api + escape(query) + params + cb);
return obj

WeatherApi.wheather(city).success(function(data) {

  $ = data;  --successfull extraction
  $scope.condition =; --successfull extraction
  $scope.conditionCode = $scope.getCode(; --successfull extraction
  $scope.temp =; --successfull extraction
  $scope.unit =; --successfull extraction
  var kevin = "0"; or  var kevin = 0; i've try this two things 
  $scope.conditionCode2 =;  -- i can't get the information because the tag of json is a number ?
  $scope.conditionCode2 =;  -- i can't get the information because the tag of json is a number ?

for a better look of the json file that i´m extracting here is the link:*+from+weather.forecast+where+woeid%3D2502265